Fiction, Cleaning, Life, the Universe, and Everything

For those who care, I took the time to update my ever-lengthening fanfic “The Devil and the Deep Black Sea” over at Sorry it took so long. I’ve been out of communication with my muse for a while, and only just now figured out how to write that scene.

I’ve sent Alison back to my Mother’s place for a few days. It’s easier to clean when there’s noone arond who’ll have a severe reaction to anything that might get kicked up. Gerald is trying to assemble a crew to clean up tomorrow. Initial indications are good, but I’ve had these things fall apart before with good indications.

I play too much Supreme Commander. I’ve beaten all three campaigns and can reliably defeat a Supreme AI. There are limits to what my system can do, and so I’ve not tried anything really big in a while. I think I prefer UEF as a rule, their stuff makes the most sense to me. Working for the Evil Empire is somewhat of a downer, though. The Aeon campaign was probably the most interesting, and I like the princess, but religious weirdos with even weirder tech is a bit of a turn-off. The Cybrans are just crazy, and their stealth fetish causes some trouble for me as a commander. Walking Destroyers are also an issue, as they prefer going overland (slow) to through water (fast) if it’s a more direct route. Pathfinding for these guys needs help. It’s neat to have a universe where noone is even remotely right.

It’s occurred to me that some 60% of my problems would be solved if people would get over things. You all know who you are, too. Or if you don’t, I may need to smack you.

2 thoughts on “Fiction, Cleaning, Life, the Universe, and Everything

  1. mame_snidely

    “It’s occurred to me that some 60% of my problems would be solved if people would get over things. You all know who you are, too. Or if you don’t, I may need to smack you.” I’d like to see you try and hit yourself, we’ve already gone over that you can’t hit other people — they break in unique and interesting ways so…… :P In other words, we are all victim to our human nature at the end of the day. It is what it is. People our age are just discovering exactly how horrible loss can be, which may be a major component of why we carry torches, grudges, etc.

    Lemme know if it all goes kaboom and you get shorthanded, kk?


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